The s4pro.gr online shop is an absolutely reliable e-commerce activity of MACOTRAL SA. Main objective is the presentation and promotion of products, implemented in the automotive refinishing field. In our already large, as well constantly increasing, product range, the visitor (professional or not) can trace, explore and take information about
- all the necessary paint related materiars
- supporting products in any stage of today's refinishing process
- paintshop equipment
- maintenance, care and restoration products
- personal protection and safety products
Main target of our tasks related to the promotion and sales of all these products, is permantly the totally satisfied demantive visitor.
Thus we worked and combined
- our longterm experience in this market
- our innovative ideas
- a product range countining thousants of codes whose main feature is quality and performance
- our high leveled supporting services
in a new and highly efficient e-commerce platform for presentation and promotion, supported by other additinal tools.
Our target is always to set up and maintain a fully personalized relationship with you.
Thank you,
The s4pro.gr team

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